Ethical Standards

Ethical aspects

RECHIEM will be obligated to report the following scientific fraud practices:

  1. fabrication, falsification or omission of data and plagiarism;
  2. duplicate publication;
  3. conflict of interest.


The journal considers a procedure to review that submitted articles are not plagiarized.  To this end, we work with iThenticate.  

The maximum similarity percentage accepted will be 25%. If the report indicates a higher value, the journal reserves the right to reject the article before initiating the review process. We must note that there must be good and legitimate reasons for parts of the analyzed document to be found in the identified sources.

If plagiarism is detected, authors will be notified immediately in addition to the editor of the journal where the original article is published and its authors, indicating the plagiarism and the identity of the plagiarist.

If plagiarism, or other ethically unacceptable activity is detected after publication, the journal will print the word “retracted” on every page of the article.

Reproduction of material from other authors

Authors are responsible for obtaining the appropriate authorizations to partially reproduce material (text, tables or figures) from other publications and to correctly cite their origin.  These authorizations must be requested to both the author and the editorial that published said material. The use of instruments created by others must have explicit consent of the instrument’s author.  If the instruments are protected by copyright or trademark, the author must indicate in the article how the access to them was obtained (consent from the author, payment of royalty or other type that grants its use). It is strictly forbidden to use copyrighted instruments or procedures without the consent of the author or resorting to fraudulent reproduction.

Ethics Committee

The journal expects all authors to declare any association, whether professional, commercial or financial, that may suppose a conflict of interest in relation to the article.  Authors must report ethical standards followed in their article with participants of the study based on the ethics committee of their institution.  Failure to do so is grounds to justify not publishing the article or its retraction after publishing,

Privacy and Informed Consent

Confidentiality of the information provided by participants, their identities and that of their relatives must be protected.


The journal does not accept previously published material. Any article publicly accessible on the internet will be considered previously published, provided that it does not have a “non-citable”, “article under review”, or similar legend.

Conflicts of Interest

Manuscript authors, editors of the receiving journal and its reviewers (internal and external), must disclose any conflict of interest that could affect the manuscript, or its review and approval.  If the authors declare a conflict of interest, this must be informed to the reviewers of the manuscript.  The reviewers, in turn, must excuse themselves from their task if they have a conflict of interest with the authors or the topic.

All cases not considered in this document, will be solved according to the instructions outlined for these purposes by COPE.