Didactic proposals for primary education that involve the use of Algeblocks manipulative material
Material manipulable, escuela primaria y secundaria, resolución de problemasAbstract
This didactic proposal article aimed to unite educational products from two Master's theses, one academic and the other professional, with the purpose of exploring potentialities and limitations regarding the use of Algeblocks manipulative material. The mathematical contents were considered according to the competences and abilities presented in the Common National Curricular Base - BNCC, for the final years of the Elementary and High School series. More specifically, we present task proposals for the study of notable products based on the Teaching-Learning-Assessment Methodology through Problem Solving. Euler's relationship was another content studied from the perspective of exploration-research tasks for high school. Within the context of each proposed task, we present a commented resolution with didactic-pedagogical guidelines, according to the prototype of the manipulable material used.
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