Construction and Design of Rectangles based on Perimeter and Area: A didactic proposal based on Modes of Thinking Theory




Perimeter of rectangles, Area of rectangles, Modes of thought


This work aims to design a didactic proposal that allows the transition between the different ways of thinking in constructing and designing rectangles based on the perimeter and area in 5th-grade students. For this, the proposal was implemented in a private school in the commune of Machali and applied to a course of 35 students at the 5th-grade level. Among the main results, it was obtained that an arithmetic analytical way of thinking prevails concerning constructions based on the perimeter. On the other hand, in the construction of rectangles given the area, an articulation between the arithmetic analytical and geometric synthetic modes prevailed. In both cases, basic operations were essential for students to transition from one way of thinking to another.


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How to Cite

Lizana, J. (2024). Construction and Design of Rectangles based on Perimeter and Area: A didactic proposal based on Modes of Thinking Theory. Chilean Journal of Mathematics Education, 16(2), 43–59.