Learning obstacles in integers: Analysis of the exercise of 7th and 8th grade students.
Epistemological obstacles; Didactic obstacles; Integer numbers; Education, Epistemological obstacles, Didactic obstacles, Integer numbers, EducationAbstract
The teaching of mathematics is a complex process; the knowledge acquired by students can vary depending on the representations used or the didactic decisions. Just as learning can be facilitated, it can also be hindered. The teacher must appropriately address the teaching-learning process that takes place in the classroom and anticipate the difficulties that may arise. For this, it is necessary to understand the causes and characteristics of the obstacles that arise in students when learning new knowledge. The objective of the study is to identify and classify epistemological and didactic obstacles that arise in the learning of integers during basic education. For the collection of information, focus groups were conducted with 7th and 8th-grade students. The results reveal epistemological and didactic obstacles in the students' knowledge, particularly in the algorithms of subtraction and multiplication with integers.
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