Conditions for a non-alienating mathematical activity in fifth grade of primary education




Mathematical activity, Theory of objectification, Subjectivity, Community ethics, alienation


This article presents some theoretical and practical reflections on the conditions in classroom work with fifth-grade students, which enable non-alienating forms of social interaction. The study is qualitative, descriptive, and interpretive, and it was developed inspired by the theory of objectification, which assumes a multimodal perspective of human cognition. We work with 32 fifth-grade students (10-11 years old), analyzing their class mathematical activity when they solve two direct proportionality tasks. Based on the Vygotskian method, the data analysis considered a reflective and critical practice in three class episodes. The results suggest that the conditions in classroom work that enable non-alienating forms of social interaction compromise the positioning of a historical-cultural subject in a type of activity with a strong social sense of the students around a shared learning object (collective encounter of cultural knowledge about ratios, proportions and proportionality).


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How to Cite

Moreno León, R., & Vergel Causado, R. (2024). Conditions for a non-alienating mathematical activity in fifth grade of primary education. Chilean Journal of Mathematics Education, 16(2), 26–42.