Interdisciplinarity in Mathematics Education – Genuine features of academic interdisciplinary practice


  • Jaime Huincahue Universidad Católica del Maule, Talca, Chile



Mathematical modelling, Interdisciplinarity, Mathematical modellers


When the purpose of Mathematics Education is to enrich the understanding of reality, efforts to innovate invite us to recognize mathematics beyond its traditional and abstract sense, establishing objectives that cross disciplinary boundaries to understand and explain the student's reality and, therefore, model environments of interest. This article establece as the central problem the search for components that characterize what an interdisciplinary task means when the problem requires mathematical models for its realization in genuine environments. To this end, a scenario is analyzed in which mathematical models emerge, such as interdisciplinary work between mathematical modellers and specialists in other disciplines in context. Using a qualitative approach, seminars in the area were analyzed over two semesters, identifying as results the existence of components necessary for the realization of interdisciplinary academic practices, and discussing the coherent intersection between such identified components and the characteristics of the initial tasks.


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How to Cite

Huincahue, J. . (2022). Interdisciplinarity in Mathematics Education – Genuine features of academic interdisciplinary practice. Chilean Journal of Mathematics Education, 14(2), 59–68.