Learning of Rational Numbers Through Semiotics Representations
Rational Numbers, Semiotic Representations, Didactic Engineering, Didactic StrategyAbstract
Despite the great efforts in time and dedication to achieve the expected learnings contained in the school curriculum, rational numbers continue to be a highly complex subject for high school students because they barely understand the most basic and elementary concepts. Based on Raymond Duval's Theory of Semiotic Representation Records (TRRS), three teaching strategies based on different semiotic representations were designed and implemented with Didactic Engineering approaches to favor the learning of rational numbers in first year high school students. In addition, the same activity was designed and applied, which served as pretest and posttest to compare results and to be able to realize if the didactic strategy helped the acquisition of the concept of rational number. From the results obtained, we were able to conclude that the activities served to increase the learning of the concept of rational number. .
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