About the Journal

Chilean Journal of Mathematics Education (RECHIEM, for its name in Spanish)the scientific journal of the Chilean Society of Mathematics Education (SOCHIEM, for its name in Spanish), was founded in 2004 and since 2020 it has been published in digital format with the purpose of creating an open and plural space for all the community interested in mathematics education.  Its main objective is to contribute to the promotion of the state of the art in teaching and learning of mathematics at different educational levels, through the exchange of results of theoretical and empirical research and didactic proposals for the classroom, from different perspectives and theoretical-methodological approaches from the mathematics didactics field.

RECHIEM is a peer-reviewed journal through with a double-blind peer-review system and it is published under an open access policy (Open Access) with Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.

Frequency of Publication

RECHIEM is a continuous publication. Works are grouped in volumes, with a volume publishing each calendar year, with three issues (April, August and December). Despite the aforementioned, the journal reserves the right to publish special or thematic issues, informing the community about its corresponding open calls to submit.   

Submission Call

We invite all scholars of Mathematics Education and mathematics teachers of all levels, national and foreign, to present works to be published in the Journal, in its two permanent sections, which are: research (theoretical, empirical and review articles) and didactic proposals.

The Editorial team reserves the right to accept or reject original work considering scientific quality, agreement with the Journal’s related topics and temporary currency of results.


The journal publishes articles in Spanish and Portuguese.

Cost of Publishing

The Chilean Journal of Mathematics Education does not charge a publishing fee and its contents are fully accessible and usable under the Creative Commons license.